Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday, 5 May 2015.

Poly's actually going pretty well so far. I'm always relieved when I still haven't started to hate life just a few weeks into the new semester. Everything seemed pretty tough at first, but it's actually quite alright.

I finally understood all of programming today, and knew what to type for a program and why. It's actually quite fun and satisfying once you get the hang of it. I even helped my friend Stacy with her's! I figured it'd be best not to create tension and potential rivalry by leaving someone in the lurch. And she helped me a little too, so everything went brilliantly and it felt amazing. There wasn't any competition with each other, but personally I was just challenging myself to actually write a successful program on the first try.

Then I had to head to sectionals for band, and I was going to meet our French Horn tutor for the first time. The closest person I've ever had to a legitimate tutor was Mr Darren (?) Sim, our conductor who plays French Horn professionally. Or just plain beautifully. I don't know.

Sectionals went well; I remembered how nice it was to have a tutor instead of just trying to figure things out on your own and not knowing how to improve on sound. It was a nice little challenge for me, because it's been more than a year since I've done music theory and I've forgotten majority of it. And yet I dared to tell our Tutor (when he asked) that I knew how to read bass clef. Now I've a score with bass clefs and we're expected to do transpositions and all that complicated musical stuff. Another challenge was switching the keys back and forth in between numerous scores. I'm not as flexible as I used to be anymore. But I did get a few praises here and there which was nice, because I knew how I was doing. Everyone in NVSB only corrected each other and I never knew if moving on to the next person meant that I'd done well or so horribly that they just gave up. Anyway, the tutor fascinated me because when he somehow knew who our previous conductors were just by telling him our secondary schools, I realized how huge the social circle is among conductors. I was very tempted to ask him about Mr Choy and Mr Sim because I think they were great, simply because they actually bothered about French Horn.

I've been looking back and learning from past mistakes, desperately trying not to make the same ones again. I know I get tired from socializing easily, so I've tried to not give a burst of enthusiasm and sociability, and instead using lectures and classes to calm down before I have to socialize during projects and after-school activities. This has been going really well, and I'm not at all tired from socializing. And even though band seems to be a bit of a challenge, it's one I'm willing to take. Step by step. :)

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