Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Don't wait for the world to be ready.

Can I just talk about how beautiful was Joey Graceffa's way of coming out? He made a music video called Don't Wait, and the day after he posted a vlog to clear up any more doubts his audience had. And both videos very beautiful. It's no doubt that his coming out inspired other people to do the same. His was a lot more different and very, very unique.

I've never agreed to something so much before. The things he said in his vlog were absolutely amazing and so inspiring. To quote the video, "It's just so cool to see this kids, this new generation coming out and we can get rid of all those old people who don't accept it and start a new world of it being fully accepted." This is where I become even more proud of our generation. And then there's also, "Sometimes it's not the right time to do it but if you feel like it is the right time, then do it. But in no way if you feel like you're unsafe or it's not the right time or place to do it, then you don't have to. No one's making you do anything."

I bought his book In Real Life. I can't wait to read it. He's been through so much and although I've grown tired of most of the content on Youtube, I still stand by the fact that these Youtubers are such an inspiration and play really important roles in impacting our generation positively and making the world a better place to live in.

Except these things are only happening online. There's a whole new vibrant life on the internet, on social networking platforms like Tumblr and Youtube, but the adults, the people who aren't in this part of society fail to see that and those people won't be influenced by all the positivity. I just hope for the best for our generation and the world. Hoping that more people join this society- this population, and eventually change the world for good.

So remember. You're not wasting your life on the internet. You can do so much more. Fight and change the world with us ^_^

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