Sunday, May 24, 2015

Oh, Mediacorp. You tried.

(I know it looks like some kind of Malay/Indian show because of the font, but don't be too quick to judge)

So lately they've been advertising this little web series called Sabo on, and goodness gracious. Sabo is a prank show where this radio DJ goes around pranking Mediacorp artists. I just watched a few episodes and goodness gracious. The way they reveal to them that is was all a prank was kinda pathetic, which led to equally pathetic reactions. "There's this new web series called sabo and you're being sabo-ed right now." WILL PROBABLY LEAD TO "Oh. Okay. Heh yeah it was kinda funny. What's next on my boring schedule." However, "There's actually no need to worry because YOU'VE JUST BEEN SABO-ED!!!!!!!!!! *CHEER AND LAUGHTER AND CLAPPING FROM PRODUCTION TEAM*" will most definitely lead to "OH MY GOD!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA WTF" Or at the very least a fml facepalm with a bit of cringe. Like even Gordon Ramsay had a good enough reaction. Also, it seems like these actors don't even know their fellow colleagues well enough. Like come on. Even if you're all working on different platforms and channels, know your people. Make more friends. Goodness freaking gracious.

Kudos to Mediacorp for actually trying though, and kudos to MDA for not being an uptight prick about it. Sigh. Entertainment could be so much more if they had a competitor. Channel 8 is doing a well enough job and that's cool, while Channel 5 needs to up their game. A lot. Perhaps it'll get somewhere about 10 years down the road.

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