Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hiding your identity.

Truth is, I am Iron Man.

Not really. 

I get really fascinated by how the way we dress can change people's impression of us. As you may already know, I have a whole bunch of different personalities, and yesterday I was feeling super bubbly and cute so I dressed accordingly. Today, I'm wearing the same shirt, but I'm feeling very anti-social and I'm in a very contemplative mood. And of course, no one will bother treating me with the same respect as a fully grown adult because, you know, I look like a childish teenager who takes a lot of selfies and hangs out with a lot of loud and obnoxious friends.

Clearly, the image does not correspond with my current personality, but I do somewhat enjoy dressing this way and hiding my actual personality. If anyone ever makes a successful attempt in getting to know me a bit better, they'd be pretty surprised and then they start backing off because they think I'm not fun and adventurous and that contemplative people are frightening. Pretty much the reason why I don't have many close friends.

I'm on my way to church, actually. And I just met an old church friend from the youth service I used to go to. We talked for a bit, and when I had to alight the train first, I was thinking about how quickly I could go from a contemplative frown to the brightest smile you'll ever see. And when I entered the church, the staff greeted me and again, the smile as bright as the sun or seven stars or whatever. Does it make sense to you now?

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