Friday, July 31, 2015


So I'm a girl.

Am I a girl in the head? Maybe like a good 30-40%. I'm still cisgender, but I'm just a rather masculine woman. I love feminine girls. They're pretty, they're neat, they smell nice and they intimidate me. Mainly because I'm terrified that I might disgust them or something. I don't know. But society has taught me that because I have a set of tits and a vagina, I should be like them. And the 60-70% of me don't give a shit, but truth is, I still try. Vampire Diaries was an attempt. But then I started liking it for the literal backstabbing and the blood and how cool the whole TVD universe is. Fail. I tried watching make up tutorials, but I genuinely cannot stay interested for more than 20 seconds.

I acknowledge the fact that makeup can fix my face. But I'm genuinely not interested. Plus, have you seen how fucking expensive makeup is? Sigh. You know what I'm interested in? Financial stability. So fuck society's gender roles.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


I don't know when or how this happened. Maybe God answered my prayers to be a better and happier person, to spread love to others and not hurt them. Because there was this one time where I realized how much of an ass I was being and I didn't want to be an asshole anymore. I'm probably still an ass, but surely something has changed. Because lately, I find it ever so slightly disturbing when I see people have so much hatred in their hearts. I wonder why they're so full of hatred, but at the same time I keep in mind that it's probably a normal human feeling or they might be having a bad day. Basically I try not to hate them or blame them for being so hateful. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME.

Maybe Tumblr has turned me into this cautious sjw. I don't want to hurt, annoy or judge anyone. I could continue to elaborate, but it might get complicated and too long. I've been subconsciously trying so hard to please everyone, which probably isn't mentally healthy. And I know who these hateful people are, and I'm trying to either fix these unhealthy relationships or try to cut them off altogether. Idk. I'm still figuring things out. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Overcoming social anxiety. (Monday, 27 July 2015)

Recently I've been forcing myself to try new things and do shit that scares me, in hopes of overcoming my social anxiety and being more adventurous in general. I've started to help out at events alone, because I've realized that just because everyone around me only cares about cca points and not the experience, doesn't mean I have to miss out on these experiences too. And it's going really well. I've learnt to make temporary friends quickly. I've made many mistakes and I cringe all the time, but I've learnt to deal with these insecurities.

I also learnt that people actually give a shit about me. These four people I met last Saturday, it was busy and crowded and I got separated from them and didn't think much of it, assuming I was invisible to them and they didn't give a shit either. But when I met up with them again later that day, Rachel, the 4th girl from the left asked me where I'd been and why I didn't pick up her call. Call? She actually bothered to call me? I hadn't even given her my number, so she had to search through the list of numbers in the whatsapp group. She cared enough to do that?

Plus, they beckoned me to come over to take that picture with them. I was the last one to join that clique and I was still pretty quiet; they actually gave a shit about me??? Clearly, I got really confused. Because being invisible and ignored is what I've gotten used to for the past few years. I embraced it. Invisibility is a fucking superpower. But it also feels so great to know that people care.

And because I've learnt to deal with cringing at my mistakes thanks to my insecurities, I've started to be more active in whatsapp group chats. It sounds pathetic, but it is actually quite a big thing for me. You send something, and it's there for everyone to see. You can't delete it, you can't hope that no one saw, and it will be there for a long, long time. Terrifying. But recently, I've been trying to be unapologetically myself. I try not to give a shit that I'm the weirdo who asked for everyone's names all at once while everyone was using their phones. I try not to give a shit that I'm the weirdo with the awkward/shitty social skills. There's a reason behind all my actions and decisions, and if you gave a shit, you'd know and you'd understand and you'd forgive. Now I just need to forgive myself. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Relationships and vulnerability. (Wednesday, 22 July 2015)

I met up with Racheal today to study and watch Antman. Movie was great, spoiler alert: Anna Akana makes an awesome cameo near the end.

Youtuber, movie maker, overall awesome beautiful person. I fangirled. I got home and I started watching some of her old videos again. She has an aerial hoop that makes a few appearances in her videos, and she does a bit of aerial from time to time. And by the way, a lyra is one of the sexiest things a woman can own. I first came across this art form a year or so ago from a lady I look up to and respect, and I wish I could do aerial hoops if it'd suited me better. The thing about my gender is that sometimes I'm feminine and care a lot about my femininity, and sometimes I really don't give a fuck. They're all phases I go through and it slides back and forth. Anyway.

Lyra is hot, both Anna and Kalel do it. Hell, Kalel even knows the art of pole dancing. Also hot, but not as much. Then I went back to watch old Wulas videos where Kalel was still with Anthony and was doing those sexy feminine hobbies and she was fit and had two cute cats and had her shit together. Kalel back then was one of my role models when it came to being fit and clean and neat and all those stuff. And I miss watching Anthony and Kalel being together in those blogs. They were adorable.

I'm just turned 17 and I still haven't been in a legitimate relationship, which is fine. But at this age and with this much sexual activity, clearly I've been thinking a lot about it. I'm still planning to just que sera sera everything, because going outside and looking for someone to love you back really is just going to end up in disappointment. At the same time, I'm shit at flirting, sexting and even knowing if someone actually likes me. So probably not anytime soon.

Speaking of exploring sexualities and a healthy amount of sexual activity, I've started to be more open with paraphilia. I don't hide things anymore, but neither do I rub them in people's faces. I did introduce Racheal to bdsm dirty talk and fantasy scene audios, and all I can say is that she needs to know that this is real life and Christian Grey does not exist. Recently I've come across this new paraphilia that I've come across but have yet to explore, and I think I want to learn more about it. In no way am I aroused by it, I'm just interested in any paraphilia that is popular enough to hold an entire community. It's just interesting. I'm not going to talk about much here, because paranoia and all. But if you're close to me and you're comfortable with such topics, I assure you that I will bring it up someday.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Feeling like a little. (Wednesday, 15 July 2015)

There's no school today because there aren't any more marketing lectures! But then there's two tests coming up next week, so I had to study. And guess what, I did! Steve from the ruleset made a video for people studying for finals and that sort of inspired today's productivity. I had a rewards system and it worked really well and it felt amazing.

I've started watching Steven Universe lately and it's so good. Honestly, go watch it. It belongs to the holy trinity of the millennial's cartoon set: Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. Amazing. Rebecca Sugar is a genius. I also have a crush on a lot of the characters.

Speaking of crushes, I told canada-cry that I had a crush on her! Well, anonymously. But then when she replied and pleaded for the anon to emerge from behind the screen, I subtly typed in "but some people are shy" or something like that. She privately messaged me back acknowledging my comment, but I'll never know if she actually knew it was me. She's really pretty. And cool. Her Tumblr is awesome. Her background image says 'EAT SHIT SENPAI'. I'll never get over that. But I'm glad I told her, even if that didn't go anywhere and I don't even know if she's straight. Oh well. We'll still remain as quiet Tumblr friends.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

In between. (Sunday, 12 July 2015)

I had a really bad morning today. Woke up to my Mom rambling about the shitstorm. Clearly, emotions are heightened during the day and the night, so I started feeling anxious and angry and annoyed and excused myself from a 8:30am church service. But really I just wanted to cry. And so I did. I flipped a switch, found out that one of my favourite Tumblr bloggers (Steve from trs) followed me back on snapchat (yay),  then went back to bed. The nap helped; I dreamt of me trying to save my Mom from this alternate universe, this 'other side'. I'm not an expert on oneirology, I don't know. But it did kind of make me feel better, since I never have nightmares. I don't consider any of my dreams to be nightmares.

I was still feeling a little shit, so I went out alone for lunch and then headed to a 2:30pm church service. When I got to the train station near a service venue, an Indian tourist approached me to ask for recommendations of where he should go before he heads for his flight home. I'm very proud of Singapore's tourism industry. I was ecstatic. I wanted to leave the best impression of Singapore for him. So I suggested the Singapore River. Idk how that turned out. But I was happy and feeling like this trip alone was going amazingly well.

The service starts and guess what- Darlene Zschech was visiting and was going to do Praise & Worship. It was amazing. The last song that came on, Good good Father by Housefires, made me cry. Like, really cry. I was sobbing, while trying to not look like a lonely crying weirdo. The sermon was good. The day was good.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I've been watching my diet lately, since I haven't been exercising. It's one of these recurring phases that I have. It's likely that I'll be back to midnight-snacking soon. I hope not though. Oh well.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

SECONDARY SCHOOL CRINGE. (Sunday, 5 July 2015)

I just went back to Facebook after many months of not giving a shit. BAD MOVE. First of all, I was greeted by a post my Mom shared, which was basically a Try Guys Buzzfeed video about pregnancy and going into labour. Typical Mom on Facebook. And then, I decided to go back to my secondary school band Facebook page to look for some photos to save to my Dropbox, because memories. Just, why. WHAT MEMORIES DO I WANT TO KEEP FROM MY LAST TWO YEARS IN SECONDARY SCHOOL.

First of all. Now that I'm out. Can I just say, I was thirsty and I didn't even realize. Some crushes that I had are still approved by current 2015 me, because tbh, pretty hot, still would. But some of the crushes that I had. WHY. I mean, sure, they're fugly but maybe I liked their personality? What's there to like about their personality?? They were all absolute shit. Why.

Aside from crushes I wish I never liked, I also came across pictures of my depression and social awkwardness and solitude. Oh look, what a nice picture of my friends and seniors all hanging out with each other! That's nice, I used to hang out with them and was initially part of that clique! Where was I? Oh yeah, trying to hide behind walls or other friends because I was pathetic, depressed, alone and suicidal. I was so mentally ill. I don't cringe at this memory, though. My heart... Sinks. Why didn't these people help me at all? They didn't give a shit about me. Little to no one asked about me- all I got was weird/derogatory stares. So, fuck those people.


Change of topic, but I just got a notification about a primary school friend. Female. Didn't have a thing for her, I just used to be pretty envious of her. She's being a bit of a prick, because she only ever contacts me when there's a primary school class reunion event thing. It's as if she's playing hard to get but as a friend. I would go talk to her, but half of me cannot be bothered, while the other half wants to keep this friendship just for the sake of it. This shit needs to end.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The best friend appreciation post.

I'm usually particular about who I call my best friend, but at this point I consider anyone whom I enjoy spending time with a best friend.


First off. Ng An. Known each other for over a decade, friendship kinda fluctuated at first but now we're tight af.
Gone through a lot together, saved each other's lives, we were there for each other, we're both a mess. Your hilarious lack of common sense despite the academic intelligence amuses me, and sometimes I'm the same too and we laugh together. Also I couldn't be more proud of all your successes.

Aaron. Many different things to say about this ball of rage-filled fluff. Insensitive prick with a dark sense of humor, but still kinda worth the deep conversations, debates and passionate rants about common interests. I actually enjoy dealing and putting up with your shit because damn, it's a whole new experience not everyone is capable of experiencing.

Racheal. Probably the most normal friend I'll ever have, yet a lot of fun to hang out with. Would make a great mom. Fun, caring, friendly. Super friendly. Your social abilities amaze and inspire me. You're probably the only friend that I find close despite the complete absence of deep conversations and debates. Also probably the only feminine friend I'll ever have who likes girl stuff like clothes, make-up, gossip and Starbucks discounts.

Yee Ren. Met in band. Makes me laugh. Hilarious, talented, creative. I'm usually uninterested in visual art but your drawing skills fascinate me. Your creativity fascinate me even more because I never thought I'd meet someone who can come up with amazing ideas. Only ever had one deep conversation because we don't hang out often enough. Still cool.

Joseph. Samael. Canislycaon. Whatever your name is. Never would've thought that I could keep and maintain an online friendship through Tumblr and Snapchat for this long. Smartest guy I know, super awesome in doing research on pretty much anything and everything. Also a bubble-burster, but it's pretty amusing to watch you shit on people's parades. Probably the only guy I've met online who's interested in sharing differences between our cultures and ways of life.

I appreciate all of you. <3

Also it's past midnight, hence the feels.