Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Their names are Ant and Dec.

...I need to stop being interested in men over 35 years. This is starting to feel creepy ._.

Well there. Familiar faces, you feel like you see them everywhere- they're hosts of Britain's Got Talent and a whole bunch of other shows. Except everyone else who's not in the UK just dismisses them off as, well, 'those guys from Britain's Got Talent'.

Recently I've realized why the UK loves them so much. Not gonna go on about why they're so perfect and everything- I just really admire their friendship. I've many great friends, not really, I just keep a few hella good ones. But even these hella good friendships that I have will probably never be comparable to what Ant and Dec have. Like damn. Aside from that, they've made me that much more interested in what goes on in the entertainment industry.

So I've bought their book Ooh! What a Lovely Pair (great title lol not) and have eagerly waited three weeks for it to arrive.

Aaanyway. Graham Norton.

Great show, hilarious host, celebrity guests suddenly have a sense of humour.

I'll never get used to watching a TV host get interviewed; he's usually the one interviewing other people. But today, I somehow stumbled across a video and realized that he's written an autobiography too- called The Life and Loves of a He Devil. I looked it up, it's $30+ (in SGD), so I had to do a little more research on whether it'd actually be worth the money (I'm pretty much broke at this point).

I watched mainly videos of Graham Norton talking about the book and trying to promote it, and from there I stumbled across another video of him starring in an episode of Who Do You Think You Are (another great show- looking into celebrity family trees I think), and watching him talk about his love and relationship with his home country Ireland. I doubt most celebrities would talk about that, so that was interesting to hear. Also, unlike Ellen Degeneres, I don't think Graham Norton talks about his own opinions or life stories on his show a lot. So it'd be nice to get his book and read about him for a change.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~le transition~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I've realized that I'm a pretty artsy person. I appreciate it, but like everyone of my friends who feel the same way, we all know that we can't go anywhere in life trying to find a career in arts. It's really sad, but it's the truth. Which is why I made the appeal to go from Visual Design to Business Enterprise IT. It's pathetic. I may have to give up my dreams on psychology, even. We'll see how things go in poly.

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