Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions!

On to the let's-lie-to-ourselves-and-make-empty-promises part. Here are my resolutions:

1. Procastination.

I really need to stop procrastinating this year. I have a huge exam coming up and I NEED to ace that bitch. So yes. NO PROCASTINATION.

2. Control my YouTube obsession.

Yes, fine, I admit, I'm pretty much obsessed. But come on. It really got me through the hardest of times-you don't understand. But still, I need to lying myself that I'm going to just watch one video and end up getting off an hour later.

3. Decide my health.

Near the end of the year, Dan (danisnotonfire) introduced me to the horrifically amazing world of the Maltesers fandom. But then I need to be fit because recently, I had to rush for a plane flight, and OMG IT FELT LIKE DIABETES. But then again- food. So I need to get this conflict figured out at the very least.

So what are your New Year's Resolutions? Whatever they are, I hope you achieve them ^^

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