Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas! ^^

Hello everyone! (even though its only me here)

It's Christmas! Yay :D I hope anyone reading this (basically future me) had a nice last Christmas! ^^

So I went to a different church today to watch a play and it was so touching! I was tearing and had a huge lump in my throat but my brother was with me so I HELD ALL MY TEARS IN. It was about how people's judgements don't matter and they can't hurt you unless you let them. And as long as you spend time with God you will remember that He loves you no matter what because He made you and He doesn't make mistakes. Aww <3

Isn't it amazing how even people who don't attend church or maybe even non-believers still celebrate Christmas? Personally I feel like many people forget that this day is all about how our Lord and Saviour   Jesus Christ was born ^^

Church sermons are always so beautiful near Christmas <3

Merry Christmas!

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