Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions!

On to the let's-lie-to-ourselves-and-make-empty-promises part. Here are my resolutions:

1. Procastination.

I really need to stop procrastinating this year. I have a huge exam coming up and I NEED to ace that bitch. So yes. NO PROCASTINATION.

2. Control my YouTube obsession.

Yes, fine, I admit, I'm pretty much obsessed. But come on. It really got me through the hardest of times-you don't understand. But still, I need to lying myself that I'm going to just watch one video and end up getting off an hour later.

3. Decide my health.

Near the end of the year, Dan (danisnotonfire) introduced me to the horrifically amazing world of the Maltesers fandom. But then I need to be fit because recently, I had to rush for a plane flight, and OMG IT FELT LIKE DIABETES. But then again- food. So I need to get this conflict figured out at the very least.

So what are your New Year's Resolutions? Whatever they are, I hope you achieve them ^^

Happy New Year everyone!

Yup. Even though I'm the only one on here.

So yes, happy new year.

How was your 2013? For me, last year was an utter shit storm that lasted half a year and is still currently going on. So unfortunately, that will continue on to 2014. Thankfully, an awesome friend, Youtube and the rest of  the internet actually got me through.

Wishing you guys a kickass year ahead! I love you. (let me know you exist by commenting like please I'm so alone here)

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

So I just watched the movie, and it's SO GOOD. One thing about the movie that I personally love best is that every scene was Tumblr worthy. Also it was good in pretty much every way- it had a good amount of humor, a good storyline, great  choice of actors, and how amazing is Ben Stiller- acted and directed in such an amazing film.

I could talk more about the movie, but I'm not gonna spoil it- so go watch it, I highly recommend it, you'll love it.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Congrats on 3 Million Subscribers, Dan!

So Dan hit 3 million subs tonight! I was literally having a quiet but violent fangirling session in my room at 1 in the morning.

We love both Dan and Phil, and although they probably share a lot of their viewers, THEYRE SO DIFFERENT.

I subscribed to Dan after watching his collab with Jack and Finn. Sensing all the social awkwardness he was probably going through, I thought I could relate to him. AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS RIGHT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.

As for Phil, I subscribed because... Animals. Seriously. I couldn't get enough of the animal cuteness. Now that brought me my innocence back. ^^

Anyway. Dan has already hit 3 million subscribers, so let's help Phil out, okay? ^^ youtube.com/amazingphil

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


So the first episode of Storytellers was released on 22 December. A HUGE congratulations to Joey Graceffa! Honestly I had my doubts about it, but it actually turned out pretty well! Plus there was a lot of effort put into this- the whole Kickstarter thing and all.

Again, all YouTubers are actual human beings- Joey had to fulfill his promises to the people who pledged money for the project. That must've been pretty tough.

So yes go watch the first episode of Storytellers here, and tell me what you think! ^^

Phil Lester (amazingphil)

Amazingphil is amazing. Let's not forget- he's a real human and not some virtual entertainment robot. He posts videos often, day-in-the-life vlogs, fun ad-libs games, interactive videos… Not many people would be able to do that. Seriously. There's this really long interactive video (that you can start playing here) that probably took him days to make and edit.

Sure, there are a bunch of other YouTubers that work really hard, but hey, I like watching Phil's videos. ^^ There's the legendary Shane Dawson who posts stuff every 5 seconds, and there's MysteryGuitarMan who doesn't give up in his videos even if it needs 200+ takes like this one. Not forgetting the one and only Smosh- but that's one entire shitstorm that I'll be ranting about in a future post.

Which are your favorite YouTubers and why? I NEED RECOMMENDATIONS

Merry Christmas! ^^

Hello everyone! (even though its only me here)

It's Christmas! Yay :D I hope anyone reading this (basically future me) had a nice last Christmas! ^^

So I went to a different church today to watch a play and it was so touching! I was tearing and had a huge lump in my throat but my brother was with me so I HELD ALL MY TEARS IN. It was about how people's judgements don't matter and they can't hurt you unless you let them. And as long as you spend time with God you will remember that He loves you no matter what because He made you and He doesn't make mistakes. Aww <3

Isn't it amazing how even people who don't attend church or maybe even non-believers still celebrate Christmas? Personally I feel like many people forget that this day is all about how our Lord and Saviour   Jesus Christ was born ^^

Church sermons are always so beautiful near Christmas <3

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dan Howell (danisnotonfire)

Hey all you socially introverted and awkward people, you should probably read this.

I feel your pain. And you'll probably feel Dan's pain too. If you need anymore convincing, just watch this video.

Yeah, he's a pretty awesome YouTuber. And by awesome I mean I relate to him. SO MUCH. So yeah. If you do too, please share a story or something so we can all hide in one huge turtle shell for the rest of our lives.

Being a YouTuber.

Some of you might think being a YouTuber is probably the best job ever. Sure, it's fun and all, but only today I kinda realized how hard they have to work.

They stay up all night editing one video just for their precious viewers so the video can come out on time, and yet there is the inevitability of hater comments. And just like Anthony (Smosh) said, it's pretty hard to take it in when you put in so much effort and confidence in one video and people hate it.  It's sad, but I guess its part of the job isn't it.

Not forgetting how they voluntarily connect with fans and reply to them on social networking sites. Basically,

That shit is tough. Appreciate it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Owl City

Mr Adam Young is a genius.

Being interested in psychology, I see why his music depicts beautiful fantasy worlds that I personally have been dreaming of.

Asperger's Syndrome, deeply shy, socially introverted... People with these qualities are amazing! Beautiful minds, amazing wonderlands, truly fascinating. I must say, I feel that he deserves more love. But what can I say, the guy is shy and all. I understand. Still, I really hope more people would appreciate such beauty and discover the mesmerizing world we live in our heads. 

Also, being a shy person, wouldn't he be considered really brave to be able to put his work out there? This guy is awesome! What I would give to know more about what goes on in his head. Probably something outside of the universe.